Leo -
Leo - Your September Monthly Horoscope: 'Your attitude, not your aptitude determines your altitude.' It's a great motivational saying, which you can implement with success this month. Attitude might not be everything... but it counts for a lot. September is about finding a balance between perspective and passion. Expect issues and situations that motivate you, and high levels of emotion, but you'll have the insight to be able to reframe your feelings and, at times, step back and find a sense of calmness. With the right attitude, you can climb to new, exciting heights.
Leo - Yesterday's Forecast:
There's a scene in a Monty Python film where a large man goes to a restaurant and enjoys a feast of a meal. When he's finished and satiated, the waiter encourages him to enjoy one more tiny, delicious treat. Unable to resist the temptation, he indulges in another mouthful - with disastrous (but funny) consequences. With so much on your plate this weekend, you're reaching your limit. But if you take your time (and refuse to take on any extras), you'll find the space to manage everything. And find ways to savour whatever unfolds.
This Harvest Supermoon illuminated the night in a way that felt almost magical, bringing a sense of renewal and transformation. Now we head towards the equinox. Learn more and celebrate this magical time with 50% Off all Birth Charts, plus a free Personal Profile.
Leo - Thu Sep 19, 2024:
Some people base all their decisions on their instinctive response to what's going on. It can lead to brilliant results. But not always. Just because they've got a hunch that the roulette wheel's going to stop on number seven doesn't mean it will. Other folks only work with logic. They carefully think things through. But they can't predict all the possibilities - which means they don't always get things right either. Today, as your ruler links with innovative Uranus, if your heart and mind agree, you can make a game-changing decision.
Leo - Wed Sep 18, 2024:
Imagine you've got a dice and a small cup. You're going to shake the dice and throw it. You hope it will land on the number you're thinking of. But if it does, is that your powers of premonition at work? Or is it pure chance? You can't say with certainty that your number will come up. It's impossible to predict. Until the dice falls any result is possible. Today however, with the Super Lunar Eclipse heightening your intuitive powers, if you direct them towards a situation you have the ability to influence, you can work some magic.
The Supermoon was the perfect time to pause and reflect on the changes happening both in the heavens and in your own life. Learn more...
Leo - Tue Sep 17, 2024:
There are many works of art, pieces of music, designs, and inventions that are universally acknowledged as being great. But all these things are a matter of personal taste. So even popular Leos can't expect to be admired, loved and appreciated by everyone. Some people think highly of you. Others haven't yet discovered the extent of your specialness. Yet in the approach to the Super Lunar Eclipse, when your ruler casts Earth's shadow onto the Moon, an unexpected admirer appears. Their influence can be transformative.
Leo - Mon Sep 16, 2024:
We're not supposed to trouble trouble until it troubles us. But surely it makes sense to look out for it? If we can see it heading in our direction, we can take evasive action. But trouble is smart. It has an uncanny knack of working out who's looking for it and making its way into their lives. If someone in your world tries to point out the negatives in your plans today, politely ignore them. Your positivity can act like a protective shield. They're projecting their own doubts onto you. It's not your role to take them on board. Resist.
As we approach the equinox and the end of a month with celestial events that are sure to capture your imagination. Learn more and celebrate this magical time with 50% Off all Birth Charts, plus a free Personal Profile.
Leo - Sun Sep 15, 2024:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Some news platforms publish 'good news' articles. What a brilliant idea. After all, we've all had enough of the bad news... haven't we? We all need cheering up and reminding of the positive things going on... don't we? Except the stats reveal that uplifting stories don't bring us the same adrenaline buzz we get from reading about other people's dramas. Which is why there are so many bad news stories around. Yet the good ones exist, in vast quantities! This week, events in your relationship world are very good news indeed.
Leo: - Sat Sep 14, 2024:
Your Weekly Horoscope: As a Leo with high standards, you always reach for the best. But this week, be aware that the best is closer than you expect. It's easy to think that distant, elusive targets are the ones we should aim for; that they'll bring the satisfaction we seek. But that's not always how it is. Some of the finest things are right under our noses... and free. Often it's not an item, a person, or a situation that we need. It's the ability to feel gratitude for the simple gifts life brings our way. If you do that this week, you'll find lots to be grateful for.
This Harvest Supermoon illuminated the night in a way that felt almost magical, bringing a sense of renewal and transformation. Now we head towards the equinox. Learn more and celebrate this magical time with 50% Off all Birth Charts, plus a free Personal Profile.
Leo - Fri Sep 13, 2024:
Imagine if every choice you'd ever made had been perfect? That you'd always got everything right? That every action you've undertaken has been faultless? And that every decision was guided by an inner genius? Would you be more content than you are right now? It's unlikely! Probably, you'd be bored - not to mention boring! We place huge value on getting things 'right'. But there are so many variables - and sometimes, what's 'wrong' turns out to be perfect. The weekend brings the chance to profit from an apparent mistake.