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Your November Monthly Horoscope
Sat, 2nd Nov
New / Full Moons: New 1st Nov in Scorpio Full 15th Nov in Taurus New 1st Dec in Sagittarius Full 15th Dec in Gemini
In November, Pluto makes its final bow in Capricorn before entering Aquarius - where it will stay for the next 20 years. Although technology will continue to impact our lives in unprecedented ways, we can also expect innovative alliances that show how independent thinking can transform our world for the better. But these are longer trends. What about the month ahead? With Mercury and Jupiter in mutual reception, with honest communication, ideas can transform into exciting, doable plans.
You know how we all picture Halloween with that classic full Moon hanging in the sky, casting its silver light over trick-or-treaters? Well, this year the sky has a different kind of magic in store for us. Instead of the bright, showy full Moon, we're blessed with something far more potent - the mysterious dark of an almost new Moon. 50% Off all Birth Charts, plus a FREE Tarot, iChing and Personal Profile.