Weekly Leo Horoscope
Saturday, 21 September 2024
Your Weekly Horoscope: We live on a blue planet. Bowie wrote a song about it. And people who've been into space are astonished by its blue beauty. There are very few other similarly coloured planets in our solar system. Just as our ball of rock is rare and special so are its inhabitants! Of course, we're bound to feel blue sometimes! But we're also able to shine with the golden light of the Sun - your ruling planet. This Equinox week, it's filling you with inspiration. If you seek the right kind of changes in your world, you'll find harmonious ways to fulfil them.
As we approach the equinox and the end of a month with celestial events that are sure to capture your imagination. Learn more and celebrate this magical time with 50% Off all Birth Charts, plus a free Personal Profile.
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