When the characters in Winnie the Pooh first meet Tigger, they don't know what to make of him. He bounces in. Shares some mind-boggling info. Declares he doesn't like honey. And bounces off again. We've all got Tiggers in our lives. They look and sound confident (and are often quite noisy!). But behind the façade, they're vulnerable; they project an exuberant aura to cover up their insecurities. The Super Grand Cross Moon offers you a new adventure. If you're unsure about how you'll fit into this new paradigm, relax. You'll be fine.
Discover your inner light, the one that shines regardless of the weather in your 'Guide to the Future'.
Capricorn - Your Weekly Horoscope: As a realistic Capricorn, you know what you can do... and what you can't. And with your insight, you're aware of the third category; it's the 'things you might (or might not) be able to do'. You know that it's only by trying that we discover what we're capable of achieving; that the rest of the time, it's pure guesswork. If, this week, you come up against an obstacle that seems impassable be encouraged (not disheartened). The Hunter's Moon inspires you with an idea that takes you in a different, easier, more inspiring direction.
Capricorn - Your October Monthly Horoscope: They say that 'no news is good news'. But they also say that 'knowledge is power'. It's confusing! Fortunately, in October, when it comes to deciphering conflicting information, you've got the insight to work out what you think, without basing your decisions on whatever anyone else says. Phew! This clarity brings the confidence to forge ahead with your plans to build a better future. Armed with insight, if you use your wisdom to share your vision, you'll find that instead of people telling you what you 'should' do, they'll support you.
Capricorn - Yesterday's Forecast:
One person says one thing. Someone else says something else. And like seesaws, our responses and reactions swing up and down. We can try as hard as we like, but maintaining equilibrium on one of those rides is tricky. Even when the people sitting at either end are similarly weighted, it's not easy to maintain the status quo. It helps if one person moves backwards or forwards on their seat. Which is your task today. If you're prepared to adjust your position on a contentious topic, you'll find a way to create harmony.
A powerful cosmic climate is working in your favour right now. You can make a positive transformation and achieve what you've been hoping for. A personal birth-chart report will tell you what's really possible... and when... and how. Download yours now!
Capricorn - Mon Oct 14, 2024:
People who love arguing can provoke one just for fun. Other people have reasons to oppose someone's views. But sometimes, we get involved in tricky convos without really knowing why. Maybe, we're echoing what we've been told (without checking the facts). Or we might experience a reaction to what someone's saying and disagree - without really thinking about what we (or they) think. If you have to defend your views today, don't take offence. Differences are healthy. They challenge us to open our minds to new ideas.
Capricorn - Sun Oct 13, 2024:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: We know we're not supposed to criticise other people. But knowing it's one thing. Stopping ourselves from doing it is another thing entirely! And, if we're critical of someone else's criticism, does that make us hypocritical? Under this week's Hunter's Full Moon, you'll find yourself behaving in a less-rational way than usual. But you're dealing with an absurd situation. And if you acknowledge it, rather than trying to justify your behaviour, you'll be able to make wise decisions, and gain support from someone who won't criticise you.
Wish you could fulfil more of your potential? A Personal Profile, based on your exact date of birth, reveals your secret gifts and blessings. Click here!
Capricorn - Sat Oct 12, 2024:
Your Weekly Horoscope: As a realistic Capricorn, you know what you can do... and what you can't. And with your insight, you're aware of the third category; it's the 'things you might (or might not) be able to do'. You know that it's only by trying that we discover what we're capable of achieving; that the rest of the time, it's pure guesswork. If, this week, you come up against an obstacle that seems impassable be encouraged (not disheartened). The Hunter's Moon inspires you with an idea that takes you in a different, easier, more inspiring direction.
Capricorn - Fri Oct 11, 2024:
Planet Earth is full of amazing things. The Sun lighting up our skies. Oceans teeming with life. Fields full of crops. Forests abundant with wildlife. The fact that babies are born is perhaps the most wonderful thing of all. That happened to you once. And me. Life is a miracle. The fact that we exist surely proves that we live in a benevolent cosmos? Be open to positive possibilities this weekend. As Pluto changes direction, in your sign, there's magic afoot. To benefit from it, you just need to welcome it into your world.
A powerful cosmic climate is working in your favour right now. You can make a positive transformation and achieve what you've been hoping for. A personal birth-chart report will tell you what's really possible... and when... and how. Download yours now!
Capricorn - Thu Oct 10, 2024:
When life gets tough you roll up your sleeves and get going. That's what Capricorns do. And since the 'going' is never easy, your MO explains why you're always busy. You've developed an ability to withstand knocks and pressures which enables you to keep going when others give up. And people recognise this; that's why they turn to you for help - your resourcefulness is legendary. But sometimes, you need a break. Today, the going isn't going to be as tough as you think. Take some time out for well-deserved R&R.
Capricorn: - Wed Oct 09, 2024:
You're feeling time-stretched. There aren't enough hours in the day to fit everything in. And you've got promises to keep and targets to fulfil. Yet no matter how robust our plans, and how determined we are not to let anyone down, life has a way of foisting surprises on us. Suddenly we find ourselves having to deal with unexpected issues. If we're not careful, we waste even more time feeling fed up about our inability to focus on what we want to focus on. Go with the flow today. An unanticipated event leads to a shortcut.
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Capricorn - Tue Oct 08, 2024:
These days, style counts for a lot. Making the right impression helps us make progress. And although it's easy to underestimate the value of having substance, it can carry us a long way too. The common denominator these two different qualities share is confidence. Which is why too much self-doubt and self-questioning is unhelpful. Rather than wondering whether you've got the skills and knowledge to create a change in your world, take a leap of faith today. Under these powerful skies, you'll be delighted by what you achieve.