You're in demand at the moment. It's not just that you've got lots of things to organise; you're also juggling various social invitations and requests. Blame your popularity on the presence of Venus in your sign! It's giving you an attractive, invisible glow which is drawing people to you. The problem is that they all want your advice, input, and energy. And you're giving them as much of you as you can. Today, it's worth checking your boundaries. There are times when you need to say 'no'. Don't allow yourself to be stretched too far.
So, 2025 is here. Is it going to be a good year for you? Find out now in your 2025 Guide to the Future - Download Yours Now...
Aries - Your Weekly Horoscope: In TV cookery competitions, it's not just the taste of the food that matters; the way it's presented is key to the diner's enjoyment. The chefs consider every detail when serving their dishes. But when we're hungry, who cares about the way dinner looks? We just want to eat it! Think, this week, about a ritual you've adopted. It started as a way to impress someone. But is it necessary? And could it be preventing you from satisfying a deeper need? If you let it go, you'll make space to enjoy the opportunity this Valentine's week brings.
Aries - Your February Monthly Horoscope: Being a dynamic, energetic Aries, if everything in your world was sailing along at a reasonable speed, you'd do something to rock the boat! We all need occasional waves of excitement to liven things up. And there are times when we all have to work against the current. A bit of unpredictability and challenge brings colour, contrast, and depth to our lives. But that doesn't mean you don't appreciate moments of calm and order in between the dramas. In February, if that's what you're looking for, that's what you'll find.
Aries - Yesterday's Forecast:
We say that 'the road to hell is paved with good intentions' because although having a good intention is good, it's not good enough. Ideas and thoughts need to be followed by action in order to be effective. Today, as Mercury (intellect) forms a challenging angle to innovative Uranus, if you don't want any misunderstandings to arise, you need to think about what you're doing as well as what you're saying. As long as your words and actions are synchronised, you can smooth over any problems and make a real difference.
So, 2025 is here. Is it going to be a good year for you? Find out now in your 2025 Guide to the Future - Download Yours Now...
Aries - Sun Feb 09, 2025:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: The fact that you're always ready and willing to embrace new challenges demonstrates your amazing 'can do' approach to life. But for important plans to work - at home or at work - you need other people's support. And that's where your current challenge lies. A key person in your world isn't getting on board with your current idea. And you need their help. But their attitude is masking an underlying sense of fear. This Valentine's week, if you go out of your way to show them understanding, you'll be able to dispel their concerns.
Aries - Sat Feb 08, 2025:
Your Weekly Horoscope: In TV cookery competitions, it's not just the taste of the food that matters; the way it's presented is key to the diner's enjoyment. The chefs consider every detail when serving their dishes. But when we're hungry, who cares about the way dinner looks? We just want to eat it! Think, this week, about a ritual you've adopted. It started as a way to impress someone. But is it necessary? And could it be preventing you from satisfying a deeper need? If you let it go, you'll make space to enjoy the opportunity this Valentine's week brings.
A powerful cosmic climate is working in your favour right now. You can make a positive transformation and achieve what you've been hoping for. A personal birth-chart report will tell you what's really possible... and when... and how - Download yours now...
Aries - Fri Feb 07, 2025:
With Venus, planet of love and abundance, now settled into your sign, you should be starting to feel more relaxed. A source of pressure, which you've been dealing with for so long it's become part of your 'normal', is starting to dissipate. Not only are you growing more aware of the fact that the cosmos is rooting for you, you're finding it easier to access support. This weekend, as Venus links with transformative Pluto, your persuasive powers are high. Don't feel as if you have to live up to anyone's expectations. You don't!
Aries - Thu Feb 06, 2025:
We change over the course of time. Our opinions, beliefs, likes, and dislikes mellow and evolve. Something that used to make us happy might eventually make us unhappy. And vice versa. As we mature and get used to this process, we find ways to let go of what's gone before. You're dealing with a tricky scenario that feels haunted by the ghosts of previous decisions. Yet, things have moved on since the last time. You're stronger and wiser. With Venus in your sign, you've got nothing to fear. You can resolve this.
It's true that these are troubling times. It's hard to makes sense of the world and what's happening in it. But I can tell you about about Yourself and your Future in your unique Personal Birth Chart - Download Yours Now...
Aries - Wed Feb 05, 2025:
People used to say that kids should 'be seen but not heard'. Fortunately, we're more enlightened these days, and this attitude is no longer acceptable. Which doesn't mean that children can't sometimes be annoying! But isn't this the same as most things in our world? With Venus (love and pleasure) settling into your sign, you'll find it surprisingly easy to accept a situation you've been struggling with. Excellent. As you feel better about yourself, you'll find that a problem is much less problematic than it seemed.
Aries: - Tue Feb 04, 2025:
We might all think of ourselves as being 'normal'. But most of us are anything but! We just manage to do a good job of disguising our quirks and idiosyncrasies. Yet, having a fresh, innovative attitude to life has never hurt anyone. Quite the opposite. It's only when we begin to doubt our approach that the problems start. With Venus, planet of love and pleasure, moving into your sign, your creativity is being enhanced. You might not be the only creative individual in the cosmos... but it's time to celebrate what makes you unique.
So, 2025 is here. Is it going to be a good year for you? Find out now in your 2025 Guide to the Future - Download Yours Now...
Aries - Mon Feb 03, 2025:
We all find it easy to criticise power structures; and when people who criticise the existing system make it to positions of influence, it's not long before they end up with detractors of their own. As an action-packed Aries, you're frustrated by the way a situation is being handled, and tempted to seize the reins and take control. But think carefully before leaping in. You don't want to end up responsible for a mess. Bide your time. Venus' imminent arrival in your sign will change how you feel. You'll have other (better) things to focus on.