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pisces Zodiac Sign

Pisces Horoscope

Tue, 11th February 2025

If there were no such thing as psychologists and therapists, we'd be in trouble. We all have moments when we need expert advice. And when we need help, in an ideal world, we'd be able to get it immediately. If possible, we'd like to have someone ready to respond to our every anxiety and query. That's where friends and acquaintances come in handy. Yet, it's not always easy to work out who to turn to. No one walks around with a certificate to show their qualifications. Someone surprising can help you sort a problem out today. It's true that these are troubling times. It's hard to makes sense of the world and what's happening in it. But I can tell you about about Yourself and your Future in your unique Personal Birth Chart - Download Yours Now...









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Pisces - Your Weekly Horoscope: It's not easy to be carrying a weight of responsibility. But it seems that unless you take the necessary steps forwards, what needs to happen won't happen. The good news is that this week's Full Moon highlights the fact that you're on the right track and that you know what you're doing. If you keep taking one step at a time your confidence will grow, and so will your inner resolve. Significant progress is possible. Your destination is in sight. This Valentine's week, it will be much easier than you think to get to where you want to be.

Pisces - Your February Monthly Horoscope: People who are powerful and successful aren't necessarily happy. If there are problems in their domestic/relationship world, all the power and money on the planet won't bring them joy or satisfaction. Yet, we all find it easy to overlook the things that matter most. We tend to focus more on what we 'don't have', than what we do. In February, with Jupiter, your traditional ruler, turning direct, you can expect to do well on almost every level. But, if you prioritise the people and situations closest to your heart, the benefits will last.

Pisces - Yesterday's Forecast:
Unless you aim high (ie for something that's just beyond your reach) how will you know how successful you can be? When we set our sights low, fulfilling our expectations is easy. If our targets are close by, the greater our chance of hitting them. So, although you feel like you're facing an almost impossible challenge, what would happen if you choose to give it 100% of your energy and did everything in your power to achieve it? Today brings an inspiring idea. If you implement it, you'll be amazed and delighted by what unfolds. So, 2025 is here. Is it going to be a good year for you? Find out now in your 2025 Guide to the Future - Download Yours Now...

Pisces - Sun Feb 09, 2025:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Life isn't easy. We're involved in a constant battle to improve ourselves and our lives. And sometimes it's the act of struggling that helps us feel better. Solving problems and taking chances makes us feel alive. Which doesn't mean we should strive to struggle. Sometimes, the best decision we can make is to be content with what we've got. This Valentine's week, if you tap into the energy of the Full Moon, and share your feelings about what's going on with the people you care about, you'll discover a deep sense of shared joy.

Pisces - Sat Feb 08, 2025:
Your Weekly Horoscope: It's not easy to be carrying a weight of responsibility. But it seems that unless you take the necessary steps forwards, what needs to happen won't happen. The good news is that this week's Full Moon highlights the fact that you're on the right track and that you know what you're doing. If you keep taking one step at a time your confidence will grow, and so will your inner resolve. Significant progress is possible. Your destination is in sight. This Valentine's week, it will be much easier than you think to get to where you want to be. A powerful cosmic climate is working in your favour right now. You can make a positive transformation and achieve what you've been hoping for. A personal birth-chart report will tell you what's really possible... and when... and how - Download yours now...

Pisces - Fri Feb 07, 2025:
All sorts of feelings motivate us to take action. They're not always positive. It's far better to be inspired by positivity and passion than be forced into action by anxiety and fear. For the same reasons, if you want to change someone's attitude, constructive criticism is far more effective than criticising their behaviour. As your plan moves into the next phase, rather than focusing on deadlines and targets, let a metaphorical carrot encourage you (and someone else), forwards. This weekend, with a positive attitude, you can make progress.

Pisces - Thu Feb 06, 2025:
It's hard to be enthusiastic about something we're not particularly interested in. Actually, it's almost impossible! If we're in the right mood, we might manage to summon up a bit of energy to support someone else's excitement. But it's hard to sustain. You've been doing your best to appear motivated about a project which you feel you should be invested in. It's taken a lot of resolve. The good news is that an upcoming development is about to provide you with a reason to wholeheartedly invest. And when you're inspired, you'll get results. It's true that these are troubling times. It's hard to makes sense of the world and what's happening in it. But I can tell you about about Yourself and your Future in your unique Personal Birth Chart - Download Yours Now...

Pisces - Wed Feb 05, 2025:
We know that fairy tales don't represent real life. But the impact they have on us as kids continues to affect us as adults. Those 'happily ever after' endings are a great example. How does anyone ever achieve lasting happiness? 'Forever', after all, is a very long time - and happiness is, like all emotions, transient. We can't hold onto it. Yet with Jupiter, your traditional ruler, moving forwards, positive emotions are heading your way. Don't ask too many questions. Your task is to make the most of this cosmic gift.

Pisces: - Tue Feb 04, 2025:
You're doing your best to think positive. But an underlying worry is undermining your state of mind. It seems that someone is deflating your confidence. So, how are you going to respond? First, there's no need to apologise. And there's no reason to be giving yourself a hard time. You're doing everything in your power to extricate yourself from a difficult situation. With Jupiter, your traditional ruler, now direct, by being aware that you haven't done anything wrong, you'll change your mood... and be free to move on. So, 2025 is here. Is it going to be a good year for you? Find out now in your 2025 Guide to the Future - Download Yours Now...

Pisces - Mon Feb 03, 2025:
Since none of us mere mortals were involved in the design of our cosmos and have little idea about how it originated, it's a wonder we feel we've got the right to such strong opinions about the many issues that are completely out of our control. What we would give to be able to make the universe behave the way we want it to behave! Although the fact that something isn't bending to your will is frustrating, as Jupiter prepares to move forward, what's coming your way is going to be better than what you think you want.

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