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Jemima Cainer
Astrologer Daisy
Birth Charts
Tarot/I Ching

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Your Daily Horoscope, from Oscar and Jonathan Cainer

Zodiac Birth Charts

cancer Zodiac Sign

Cancer Horoscope

Tue, 22nd October 2024

Since things are going favourably shouldn't you be feeling happier? Then again, what's the point of allowing yourself to feel positive? You've got plenty of evidence to prove that even when things go well, it's not long before other tricky situations arise. And there are lots of artificial ways of changing our mood. Some people think a glass of wine makes them happy, even when things aren't going their way. So, just because you're feeling a bit flat doesn't mean they're not! Be hopeful. Your efforts are about to achieve a result. Known as the Hunter's Moon, the arrival of the supermoon (the largest this year) in Aries is the first full moon of autumn and its presence will be hard to ignore. And, for a short time, we are offering 50% Off all Birth Charts, plus a FREE Tarot, iChing and Personal Profile. (OFFER ENDS TODAY)









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Cancer - Your Weekly Horoscope: The truth isn't always easy to hear or recognise. When we're worried about a situation, sometimes, it's easier to stick our head in the sand and ignore what's going on. If we keep acting as if everything's OK, maybe, miraculously, it will work out OK; and we might never get to the moment where we have to confront an uncomfortable reality. The problem with this attitude is that we go through life without being able to see what's actually going on. This week, open your eyes. Be brave. If you face a truth, a fear will vanish.

Cancer - Your October Monthly Horoscope: Mars is still powering through your sign. And it remains there throughout October. Crikey! Are you ready for more action? Add a Solar Eclipse to the cosmic mix, and this is a month bursting with possibility. Seeds of ideas planted now will be supercharged with potential. In any (inevitable) moments of stress remember that you're in control. Your hand is on the steering wheel. Your foot is on the brake. You can slow things down if they feel like they're going too fast. So, stay focused on the route ahead, and enjoy the ride.

Cancer - Yesterday's Forecast:
We like the idea of surprises. But the truth is that even when they're good ones, we prefer to have a bit of advance warning. When we're feeling positive, we're able to take unexpected developments in our stride. But if we're feeling worried and anxious, sudden changes can cause distress. A situation in your world isn't working out as you'd planned. Yet rather than causing you concern, allow what's unfolding to inspire you. It's happening for a good reason. And it will lead to a great result that couldn't occur in any other way. Trust. Known as the Hunter's Moon, the arrival of the supermoon (the largest this year) in Aries is the first full moon of autumn and its presence will be hard to ignore. And, for a short time, we are offering 50% Off all Birth Charts, plus a FREE Tarot, iChing and Personal Profile. (OFFER ENDS TODAY)

Cancer - Sun Oct 20, 2024:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: With power planet Mars in your sign, you're getting things done, breaking through barriers, and resolving problems. Great. But you're feeling edgy. That's because you're experiencing inner tension. It's like you're living with a constant caffeine buzz. Eek! It's getting you going; but it's making it hard for you to switch off and relax. This week, you'll find it easier to put that adrenaline to work when you need to. And ignore it when you don't. Don't underestimate your power. You can get you what you want - so be doubly sure you want it!

Cancer - Sat Oct 19, 2024:
Your Weekly Horoscope: The truth isn't always easy to hear or recognise. When we're worried about a situation, sometimes, it's easier to stick our head in the sand and ignore what's going on. If we keep acting as if everything's OK, maybe, miraculously, it will work out OK; and we might never get to the moment where we have to confront an uncomfortable reality. The problem with this attitude is that we go through life without being able to see what's actually going on. This week, open your eyes. Be brave. If you face a truth, a fear will vanish. Imagine the moonlight bathing you in its glow, infusing you with courage and determination. Perhaps there's something you've been hesitating to start, or a decision you've been putting off. Learn more about the Hunter's supermoon and, for a short time, you can claim 50% Off all Birth Charts, plus a FREE Tarot, iChing and Personal Profile. (OFFER ENDS TODAY)

Cancer - Fri Oct 18, 2024:
Just because you're in familiar territory doesn't mean you should rush. Yes, the pressure is on. And you're motivated. But there are aspects that you don't yet fully comprehend. People, whose support you need, are disagreeing about how to proceed. And you're trying to keep the peace. But until you're fully in the picture, there's no point trying to resolve this situation. With Mars in your sign, it's hard to be patient. But if you distract yourself this weekend, you'll end up in a much better position to move forwards, at a good pace.

Cancer - Thu Oct 17, 2024:
It's hard to exude positive vibes when you're feeling tired, angry, sad, or hungry. There are times when, after a little R&R, we can transform a bad mood into a good one. But there are others when we're so caught up in an emotion that a simple adjustment to our physical wellbeing won't change the way we feel. You've been dealing, for a while, with an underlying sense of sadness. Now, as your ruler creates the Super Grand Cross Moon, it brings a new source of inspiration that will carry you forwards with a sense of optimism. Known as the Hunter's Moon, the arrival of the supermoon (the largest this year) in Aries is the first full moon of autumn and its presence will be hard to ignore. For a short time, we are offering 50% Off all Birth Charts, plus a FREE Tarot, iChing and Personal Profile. (OFFER ENDS TODAY)

Cancer - Wed Oct 16, 2024:
Willpower can carry us a long way. With a combo of energy and determination, we can work with the cosmic energy and make significant progress. Although this technique doesn't always guarantee success, it often does. But is it the only way to achieve a goal? By simply relaxing and trusting in the goodness of the cosmos, is it possible to be successful? This method might not always guarantee success either. But at least we don't end up exhausted. As we move towards the Super Grand Cross Moon, try trusting. You'll see.

Cancer: - Tue Oct 15, 2024:
If we run too fast, or too far, we get tired. Big emotional responses tire us too. As does contemplating complex problems. With Mars in your sign, you're pushing yourself in lots of different ways. In an ideal world you'd like a break from some of your obligations. Luckily, a change is as good as a rest! The Super Grand Cross Moon brings new perspective on a complex issue. With clarity about the next steps to take, you'll realise that you're not as tired as you think. In fact, you'll be excited to get going on a new experience. Known as the Hunter's Moon, the arrival of the supermoon (the largest this year) in Aries is the first full moon of autumn and its presence will be hard to ignore. And, for a short time, we are offering 50% Off all Birth Charts, plus a FREE Tarot, iChing and Personal Profile. (OFFER ENDS TODAY)

Cancer - Mon Oct 14, 2024:
Sometimes being a sensitive Cancerian has its drawbacks. Right now, you're aware of someone's expectations. You can understand why they want what they want. And you can see why it's reasonable for them to hope you'll supply it. In a way, you've encouraged them to make this assumption. Yet your situation is changing; it's obliging you to go in a different direction. Your best course of action is to be honest. With awareness that there's no easy way to make everything OK, their response will be surprisingly understanding.

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