Born to Be - Leo
by Jonathan Cainer
What can a Leo do with their life? Anything they want to! If you're born under this sign, you've got a head full of application and dedication plus a heart full of loyalty and generosity. You like making people happy. That's why you get so cross when you encounter folk who revel in making people angry, grumpy or sad. You should be a campaigner for justice or a fighter for freedom. There aren't though, many jobs like this in the classifieds! But you'll take on any role and as long as it allows you to express that side of yourself. Indeed, your ability to play almost any part is almost magical. Which brings us neatly round to Harry Potter. He's a Leo, as is JK Rowling, who gave her character her own birthday. Like them, all Leos should know that nothing will ever hold them back while they're brave enough to face fears that others hardly dare to name.
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