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Jemima Cainer
Birth Charts
Tarot/I Ching

Your Daily Horoscope, from Jonathan Cainer with Oscar Cainer

Zodiac Birth Charts

virgo Zodiac Sign

Virgo Horoscope

Fri, 26th April 2024

You can take steps to redeem an unhappy situation. Something that's been wrong, can be set back onto the right track. A bewildering situation can be clarified. And in the course of this transformative process a feeling of emptiness can be replaced with a sense of satisfaction. Your ruler's change of direction has a significant impact on your outlook. Somehow, it has influenced the way you feel and the way the cosmos responds to your needs. Now, it's ready and willing to help you to feel that what's happening in your world is right.

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Your Virgo forecast for 2024 and Virgo Video for 2024 from Jemima.








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Virgo - Your Weekly Horoscope: With your ruler, Mercury, retrograde, the past has been creeping up on you, tapping you on the shoulder and reminding you of how life used to be. You've been reconciling with your old self and parts of your history, in the hope of making tomorrow easier. This week, as it changes direction, it's time to profit from all that learning, and use it in a productive way to change your present world. Get ready to pick up momentum. With the Pink Moon adding to your insight, you can implement changes that lead to success.

Virgo - Your April Monthly Horoscope: There's a big difference between checking somewhere out on Google maps and travelling to the area and looking around. It's a bit like planning a dinner party and actually having people round for a meal; no matter how well-prepared you are, there are going to be surprises and challenges to deal with. Some things will go better than you expect. And some things will do the opposite. As April starts with your ruler turning retrograde, you might need to rethink some of your ideas. But that's OK. You'll end up stronger and happier.

Virgo - Yesterday's Forecast:
As your ruler, Mercury, moves forwards expect clarity where there's been fog, and insight where there's been confusion. But be aware that the more specific your goals and intentions, the higher the chance you'll restrict your potential to make progress. So... that point you want to prove? That plan you're intending to follow? Be flexible. If you stay open to other options less-obvious ideas will pop up; and they're definitely worth considering. Trust in the process that's unfolding, knowing you're being guided towards success.

PS, your full personal horoscope reveals amazing secrets about your inner potential and shows you your future in stunningly accurate detail. Be wise. Order it now! Click here!

Virgo - Wed Apr 24, 2024:
With your ruler, Mercury, reaching the end of its retrograde phase, you're about to start seeing the results of your recent endeavours. But a word of caution; just because things are about to start to flow doesn't mean you can put your feet up and expect things to effortlessly unfold. With that attitude you risk failing to fulfil the potential of the opportunities coming your way. You need to keep fighting for what you believe/want. If you act on what you know to be true, and do what you know to be right, an overdue reward is guaranteed.

Virgo - Tue Apr 23, 2024:
Being ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, you know that the art of good dialogue involves more than what you say and who you say it to. Timing is important. You can have the same conversation a thousand times and exchange very little information. Then, one day, the person you're trying to share with will be in the mood to really listen. As your ruler prepares to turn direct, this is one of those moments. If you need to share something, and have been worrying about how someone will respond, let your worries go. Talk!

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Virgo - Mon Apr 22, 2024:
In this full-on world of ours, we're so in the habit of being busy that we set ourselves extra deadlines. Sometimes, the items on our internal to-do lists need honouring. But sometimes, they can be safely ignored. They don't leave any room to impulsively respond to life's events. And that means that we miss out on potential opportunities. To benefit from the ongoing effect of the Jupiter/Uranus link, give yourself the space and freedom to react to the gifts coming your way. As for your agenda? It can easily be edited today.

Virgo - Sun Apr 21, 2024:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: If life is a stage, it would be handy to have a script. If it's a game, where are the rules? If it's whatever we want it to be, why can't we make it go the way we want it to go? Life's full of unanswerable questions. Yet the fact that we don't have answers/rules/scripts makes it interesting! With your ruler retrograde, you've been asking some soul-searching questions. This week, as it changes direction, although the answers won't magically appear, life brings the support you've been missing. And your need for answers will disappear.

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Virgo - Sat Apr 20, 2024:
Your Weekly Horoscope: With your ruler, Mercury, retrograde, the past has been creeping up on you, tapping you on the shoulder and reminding you of how life used to be. You've been reconciling with your old self and parts of your history, in the hope of making tomorrow easier. This week, as it changes direction, it's time to profit from all that learning, and use it in a productive way to change your present world. Get ready to pick up momentum. With the Pink Moon adding to your insight, you can implement changes that lead to success.

Virgo: - Fri Apr 19, 2024:
The difference between 'what if' and 'if only' is massive. When we ask 'what if' we're constructing a positive line of enquiry. If we keep asking it, we can build a plan that leads to success. 'If only', on the other hand, is an expression based on regret. It implies that we're unhappy about elements of the situation we're dealing with. If you don't want to regret not taking advantage of this weekend's opportunities, focus on the 'what ifs'. A positive mindset will enable you to profit from the surprising gifts Jupiter and Uranus bring.

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Virgo - Thu Apr 18, 2024:
Your desire to instigate positive change is impressive. But your sense of timing is dubious. By all means strive to transform an aspect of your lifestyle. There's no question you should (or need) to settle for second-best. But does everything need to improve today? Can't some of it wait until tomorrow? Mars, powering through your opposite sign, is making you feel edgy and defensive. You're focusing on what's wrong with your world (rather than what's right). Take a deep breath. And relax. There's far less to worry about than you think.

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