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Jemima Cainer
Daisy (AI) Cainer
Birth Charts
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Your Daily Horoscope, from Oscar and Jonathan Cainer

Zodiac Birth Charts

sagittarius Zodiac Sign

Tomorrow's Sagittarius Horoscope

Sat, 21st September 2024
Oscar Cainer

Your Weekly Horoscope: You'd think we'd be better at communicating. But instead of being clear with one another, we tend to disguise our feelings and say anything rather than what we're really thinking. We're so good at it that we end up confusing ourselves; we find it hard to work out our own emotional responses. The Equinox brings the insight to read between the lines. Someone has info that can help you make a brilliant decision. But it won't come in a straightforward way. Use your listening skills and what you learn could be life-changing.

As we approach the equinox and the end of a month with celestial events that are sure to capture your imagination. Learn more and celebrate this magical time with 50% Off all Birth Charts, plus a free Personal Profile.









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New! Equinoxes

Moon Signs 15th September

New! Pisces Supermoon

What it means to have Moon in...

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Sagittarius -

Sagittarius - Your September Monthly Horoscope: Some people read the forecasts of their nearest and dearest before they look at their own. It's not what I'd recommend; but I can understand why. Our lives are so influenced by the wellbeing of our loved ones. When they're OK, we're OK. And when they're not OK, neither are we. September brings plenty of reasons to feel optimistic and encouraged. By sharing your natural enthusiasm, you can have a significant influence on the people around you. When you shine brightly, you'll touch their hearts. Everyone will benefit.

Sagittarius - Yesterday's Forecast:
We don't arrive here with a contract guaranteeing that life on planet Earth will be perfect. Yet, despite the fact that there's no evidence, we all believe in the possibility of living an easy life, in a peaceful world. How ironic that one of the biggest obstacles to feeling OK is the idea that we should be feeling more than OK! This weekend, if you lower your expectations, you'll end up with more (not less). If you take the pressure off, you'll be able to appreciate what unfolds. Good. The Celestial Archer promises opportunities you don't want to miss.

This Harvest Supermoon illuminated the night in a way that felt almost magical, bringing a sense of renewal and transformation. Now we head towards the equinox. Learn more and celebrate this magical time with 50% Off all Birth Charts, plus a free Personal Profile.

Sagittarius - Thu Sep 19, 2024:
Disappointment is never pleasant. But just because we don't like the feeling doesn't mean we should keep investing in situations/people in the hope that they'll improve/change, when in our heart of hearts, we know they won't. We need to set ourselves tangible, meaningful goals, and find the means to realise them. If you're feeling disappointed by something in your world, try thinking of it as if you're waking up from a dream. By adjusting to your new reality, you'll realise that you're escaping from an unworkable fantasy. Phew.

Sagittarius - Wed Sep 18, 2024:
Shakespeare told us that "All the world's a stage"; we've all got various 'parts' which we play in this cosmic drama. The challenge, is that some actors love the limelight so much that they forget they're playing different roles, at different times; and that every show has intervals and endings, when it's time to remove the makeup, change out of the costume, and take a place as a member of the audience again. Today's Super Lunar Eclipse brings a chance to play a new role in your life. Just make sure you don't take it too seriously.

The Supermoon was the perfect time to pause and reflect on the changes happening both in the heavens and in your own life. Learn more...

Sagittarius - Tue Sep 17, 2024:
Think about what you really want. And then, think about how much you're willing to sacrifice. Are you so enthused that you're prepared to fully invest? Because when something is really important, there's always a price to pay. So it's a good idea to work out if you think it's worth paying. And if the price is too high, you can reassess your plans. Which isn't (by the way) a failure. Better to find out now, and instigate change, than waste your energy. But if this is a 'must have', the Celestial Archer insists you can take steps towards achieving it.

Sagittarius - Mon Sep 16, 2024:
What would the world be like if none of its inhabitants ever had another negative thought? Although it's hard to imagine that happening, you can imagine how peaceful it would be. So suppose today, you make the effort to respond, even in challenging situations, with understanding and kindness? You might not be able to change the entire planet. But you could affect your part of it. And there's no better place to start! You might not be able to fix everything or everyone. But if you do what you can, you'll feel good.

As we approach the equinox and the end of a month with celestial events that are sure to capture your imagination. Learn more and celebrate this magical time with 50% Off all Birth Charts, plus a free Personal Profile.

Sagittarius - Sun Sep 15, 2024:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: The great rollercoaster of life with all its ups and downs; one moment, we're making our way up to great heights of success. The next, we're speeding downwards into uncertainty. There's never a dull moment! It seems that times of stability are few and far between. And even adventurous Sagittarians need some of those in their world. This week, with the power of the Celestial Archer affecting us all, expect to be excited by the route you're travelling on. Be grateful for whatever it brings and you'll have fun, which you can share.

Sagittarius: - Sat Sep 14, 2024:
Your Weekly Horoscope: People often read their forecasts because they want to know when they can expect change to occur. Yet, although the planets' movements indicate such moments, in reality, changes happen when we're ready to instigate them. It's about our ability to make decisions and take action. The Celestial Archer signals a climate that's conducive to change. That doesn't mean you can sit back and wait for it to happen. It means that if you strive to attain something, you'll be successful. This week, believe in yourself. And be brave!

This Harvest Supermoon illuminated the night in a way that felt almost magical, bringing a sense of renewal and transformation. Now we head towards the equinox. Learn more and celebrate this magical time with 50% Off all Birth Charts, plus a free Personal Profile.

Sagittarius - Fri Sep 13, 2024:
What are we meant to be doing with our lives? Often, we have fixed ideas about what we're capable of achieving. We think we know what we can do. So, we think we're making the most of our abilities, even when we're not. But none of us really know our true purpose. Maybe we're not supposed to know. Maybe our purpose is to wonder what on earth we should be doing?! The good news is that this weekend, with your ruler and Venus forming a trine, your purpose is to be happy. Here come reasons to feel good!

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