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Jemima Cainer
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Tarot/I Ching

Your Daily Horoscope, from Jonathan Cainer with Oscar Cainer

taurus Zodiac Sign

Taurus Horoscope

Mon, 6th May 2024

You might not realise it, but you've got reasons to celebrate. Not only have you accomplished a lot, you're about to achieve lots more. So don't, whatever you do, dismiss an opportunity as 'unrealistic'. Or ignore something that looks 'too good to be true'. Recognise it. Seize it. And give thanks for its arrival in your world. Then, look for another. With Venus, your ruler, in your sign, the only person capable of stopping you benefitting from good fortune right now is... you! So believe in your entitlement to success. You deserve this.

Give me your date of birth and I will tell you something wonderful about your future. Download your personal horoscope here.

Your Taurus forecast for 2024 and Taurus Video for 2024 from Jemima.








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Taurus - Your Weekly Horoscope: You're worried that an arrangement which has gone wrong on previous occasions is going to go wrong again. Why can't things run smoothly? Actually, they can! Just because a machine develops an occasional fault doesn't mean the fault will manifest at an inopportune moment; most of the time, it will work perfectly. Yet when a situation has emotional implications it's easy to forget that 'sometimes' doesn't equal 'always'. The New Moon shines positivity into your relationship world. This event will work out in a way that delights you.

Taurus - Your May Monthly Horoscope: Magic is a mysterious quality. It thrives in a climate of inspiration and freedom. If there's too much logic around it recedes into the background. It doesn't like rules or explanations. So, to make the most of this month's cosmic climate, with Venus, Jupiter and Uranus in your sign, your task is to welcome laughter and joy into your world. You don't need to force any issues. Or allow yourself to be overwhelmed by any negative emotions. Instead, if you trust that magic is hidden within any turbulence or challenge, May will be amazing.

Taurus - Yesterday's Forecast:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Lots of single people wish they weren't single. And lots of people in relationships wish they were single again. Why do we often wish for what we haven't got?! And if, for some reason, we're unable to have it, we can end up resenting things in our world that are good for us. No matter your relationship status right now, you feel like you're being stopped from expressing yourself. This week's New Moon, which takes place in your sign, rekindles your sense of autonomy. You can redress a power imbalance so that it works for you.

Wish you could fulfil more of your potential? A Personal Profile, based on your exact date of birth, reveals your secret gifts and blessings. Click here!

Taurus - Sat May 04, 2024:
Your Weekly Horoscope: You're worried that an arrangement which has gone wrong on previous occasions is going to go wrong again. Why can't things run smoothly? Actually, they can! Just because a machine develops an occasional fault doesn't mean the fault will manifest at an inopportune moment; most of the time, it will work perfectly. Yet when a situation has emotional implications it's easy to forget that 'sometimes' doesn't equal 'always'. The New Moon shines positivity into your relationship world. This event will work out in a way that delights you.

Taurus - Fri May 03, 2024:
So, how's life going to change now that Venus, your ruler, is in your sign? Are you hoping to fall in love? Or for someone to fall in love with you? Do you want to make new friends? Experience an upturn in your finances? How about discovering a creative outlet that brings pleasure and satisfaction? It's unlikely all these will happen this weekend! But, if you find yourself in a situation you don't want to be in, you've got the power to change it. Listen to your heart. It will lead you in the best direction. The possibilities are exciting.

Give me your date of birth and I will tell you something wonderful about your future. Download your personal horoscope here.

Taurus - Thu May 02, 2024:
In order to deal with your current situation, you're going to have to be dedicated, decisive and determined. Yet the danger is that the more of these qualities you summon, the more restrained and serious you'll become. Which means you'll risk losing your flexibility. And you need to be able to adapt. Not to mention empathise. With your ruler in your sign, it's going to be easier than you think to get what you need. There's magic available. To find the balance that works, stop trying so hard, and start believing in magical possibilities.

Taurus - Wed May 01, 2024:
With your ruler in your sign, you're being encouraged to dream, and take action to make those dreams come true. It's a chance to lay the groundwork for lasting, positive change. If you get this right, you'll make easy, natural progress. The balance between pragmatism and idealism isn't easy to maintain. But you can do it. If you trust that you're being supported by a kindly sky, and are realistic about the effort your creativity will require, this journey will be satisfying, enjoyable... and successful. Be as inspired as you can be today.

Find out what the planets have in store for you. Instantly download your Year Ahead chart. Now! Click here!

Taurus - Tue Apr 30, 2024:
In times of crisis, it's hard to process what's happening. Instincts take over; there's no time think things through. That luxury comes later when the 'things' have calmed down. This isn't (by the way) my way of predicting a crisis! Quite the opposite. You've been through a lot. In fact, you've adapted and coped so well that you're almost used to dealing with difficulties. Now, with your ruler in your sign, you can start to shake off any lingering sense of frustration. You're in a different episode of your life. It's going to get much easier.

Taurus: - Mon Apr 29, 2024:
Venus, your ruling planet, entering your sign is good news for your love life, your finances, and your ability to find solutions to long-standing problems. Today, a time of creativity begins; not only can you see what other people need (and help them), in the process your own needs will be met. Get ready for some passion and excitement too. As long as your intentions are based on kindness and generosity, you'll find ways to ensure that whatever comes along, you'll be able to turn it into something positive.

Now is the right time for you to take an in-depth, up close and personal look at your life. To get your full horoscope based on your date, time and place of birth, click here.

Taurus - Sun Apr 28, 2024:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Be resolute. Be courageous. And above all else this week, be happy. Not only do you deserve to be, you'll find that you have every reason to be. Despite all the issues and challenges, plus the situations that feel out of your control, the celestial helpers are working behind the scenes on your behalf. Venus, your ruler, is moving into your sign. And the cosmos is determined to ensure that everything works out. You might even have an inkling that things are changing for the better in your emotional world. Good. They are.

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