5 Star
Jemima Cainer
Daisy (AI) Cainer
Birth Charts
Tarot/I Ching

Your Daily Horoscope, from Oscar and Jonathan Cainer

Zodiac Birth Charts

Pisces Supermoon

by Jemima Cainer

New / Full Moons:
New 2nd Oct in Libra
Full 17th Oct in Aries
New 1st Nov in Scorpio
The chart of this Month's Pisces Supermoon is marked by a clear pattern of connections between planets which makes promises of finding good fortune and fueling the kind of breakthroughs which support our dreams into becoming reality. This is not just a Super Full Moon but a powerful partial Eclipse. This is supercharging the Piscean energy, taking us deeper and prompting a level of unprecedented release. What has been hidden, lost or buried is being brought forth into the Lunar light of letting go.

Positive flowing energy between the Sun, Pluto, Moon, Neptune, and Uranus marks this auspicious lunation with good luck. What we release now will set us free. Delusions are being brought to breaking point under this Eclipse. Pisces, fluid and compassionate allows us to see that things are never what they appear to be on the surface. We often see only the tip of each other's icebergs but, if we can relate with empathy and allow the veils we wear to be lifted, we can see that we are all complex creatures. What looks like anger or defensive action often comes from a place of hurt or fear. Sometimes, we become so lost in our own emotions that we imagine ourselves to be lonely. We cut ourselves off instead of facing the pain of connection. This Eclipse is a reflection back to any area of your chart which is ruled by Virgo. The Moon, conjunct with Neptune is shattering illusions of self-sufficiency and prompting deeper understanding. We can make incredible changes when we learn to work together and connect with raw honesty and a practical plan.

Oppositions between Mercury and Saturn, the Sun against the Moon and Neptune, amplified by a square to Jupiter in Gemini make us question the past before we can allow ourselves to let it go. To really see exactly what went wrong, and where, in order for us to heal. That is the nature of toxicity. Wherever we find things have turned toxic we find layer upon layer of complication. Toxicity is bred from clinging on for too long. When we apply bandage after bandage on our wounds things tend to fester. The Moon is teaching us a valuable lesson. This Lunation is a reminder that an ounce of prevention, in the form of doing what is right even if it feels too late, is always better than a pound of cure down the line. Though we cannot change what has been, we can always declare a new stance at any given moment. We can make a choice to do what is right now, no matter how lost we may have previously been.

The Sun, in Virgo, focused on resetting itself from Leo's extravagant annual outburst boosts our spirits towards doing 'the work'. That might be spiritual for you but it is also encouraging practical activity. Focusing us on finding meaning in what we have right in front of us. The healing energy generated by this Eclipse is focused on grounding ourselves in our reality. This Moon is asking us to gaze deep into the pool of our soul, seeking meaning in the shadows. But this is not just navel-gazing for the sake of it. It is looking back in order to move forwards, with purpose and a sense of deep peace. What is being brought out is helping us to learn a lesson which can be applied in the here and now, tangibly, within our own world.

The Earth that we work and walk upon is here to feed us, to nourish us, but it needs us to treat it right. Recognising what we have lost and realising that this sets us free can allow our energy to flow towards healing ourselves and our corner of the world.

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