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Your Daily Horoscope, from Jonathan Cainer with Oscar Cainer
Your Daily Horoscope, from Jonathan Cainer with Oscar Cainer

Pisces - "Ring of Fire" Solar Eclipse

Zodiac Sign

"Regrets, I've had a few, but then again, too few to mention" sang Sinatra. No one else may have been able to do things 'his way', but that does not mean there aren't ways we can mitigate the risk of regret. Of course, none of us can avoid making mistakes. We need the freedom to err in order to learn, grow and make our way in the world. But by doing what we can to make up for any transgressions, we can be less weighed down by any baggage threatening to hinder our progress.

The Polar Eclipse asks you to look back into the past and acknowledge where things have not worked out. It also requires you to recognise where you have been hurt by others. What it is not is an invitation for recrimination and emotional purgatory. Instead, it is asking you to employ these experiences in improving the way you operate in the future. To give suffering new meaning by using it to grow stronger and more capable. And the best way we can do this is by doing what we can to right a wrong and address an imbalance.

Where can a new approach build stronger foundations on sensitive ground? Where could a bold display of integrity and emotional honesty help put down roots in previously barren soils? This is your chance not only to do things better, but to feel better about the way they get done. But most of all, this powerful eclipse is an opportunity to do things 'Your Way'.
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