Oscar and Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



January 29 2024 to February 4 2024

Monday January 29

Same Direction

Now that Uranus has changed direction, the whole zodiac is marching forwards. And since this happened while the planet of innovation linked with Mercury (which was conjunct Mars) we've got extra spring in our steps. Yet just because things are moving on doesn't guarantee they're pulling in the same direction. Small degrees of separation can, over time, become chasms. With celestial encouragement, we can marshal our forces. When creativity and discipline combine, the possibilities are huge.

Tuesday January 30

Bale's Birthday Banter

There's a (probably fake) Christian Bale tweet that reads: "If you have a problem with me call me. If you don't have my number, you don't know me well enough to have a problem!". But does anyone have Christian's contact details so I can text him happy birthday?! Today's Mercury/Saturn link underlines the importance of communicating with sensitivity. So the more love underpinning our conversations, the easier it will be to get our point across. And the greater the chance of us getting the support we need.

Wednesday January 31

Neptune's New Hue

In the 1980s, NASA's Voyager 2 captured pictures of Neptune's blue ocean. Recent reprocessed images suggest it's paler than we thought. But who hasn't gone greyer since the 80s?! I'm trying to convince myself that salt-and-paprika colouring adds dignity! Today, we don't need a makeover to feel confident about our appearance. Since the Mercury/Saturn link encourages maturity, we can look and act in ways that show our self-development. It's an ideal time to make decisions about the future.

Thursday February 1

Celebrity Buzz Cuts

Last year, birthday boy Harry Styles made headlines by shaving his head. For folk, who remember Britney and Beckham's razor-gates, controversial haircuts can seem like old hat. But sometimes we need to take action against an image of ourselves that we no longer want to maintain. As Mars prepares to link with Saturn, it might be easier to ask for forgiveness than to seek permission. So, if the only way to express ourselves is to break some rules, then maybe they're rules that are made to be broken.

Friday February 2

Groundhog Day

Groundhog Day derives from the superstition that if one of these animals comes out of hibernation today, and catches glimpse of its shadow, it will return to its burrow and we'll get another eight weeks of winter. Today, thanks to a cinema classic, it's come to epitomise the fact that every day brings a choice: we can repeat ourselves, or take our chance to self-actualise and grow. This weekend, Venus and Neptune bring the creativity to change perspectives about the future whilst still honouring the past.

Saturday February 3

Your Weekly Horoscope

As this week sees music industry stars gather for the Grammys, it's worth noting that award ceremonies prioritise commercial success; creative folk, who don't have mass appeal, rarely receive statuettes. Yet without their trailblazing contributions music trends would stagnate. For us normal folk, with Mercury entering Aquarius ahead of the New Moon, it's time for ingenious innovation. Although there's no guarantee it will garner the appropriate recognition, the progress it inspires will be valuable.

Sunday February 4

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope

As this week sees music industry stars gather for the Grammys, it's worth noting that award ceremonies prioritise commercial success; creative folk, who don't have mass appeal, rarely receive statuettes. Yet without their trailblazing contributions music trends would stagnate. For us normal folk, with Mercury entering Aquarius ahead of the New Moon, it's time for ingenious innovation. Although there's no guarantee it will garner the appropriate recognition, the progress it inspires will be valuable.

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Oscar and Cainer's Daily Zodiac Forecasts