Oscar and Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



October 10 2016 to October 16 2016

Monday October 10

Home Truths

More Sally Fisher Art here.

I've received a letter from Tina-Marie, a Taurean, who's had a lot to cope with recently. Now, though, she's moved into a new cottage, aptly named Tranquillity, and is feeling blessed. She wonders 'if the house attracted me to it'. And says that 'it's odd how I found it... as if it was just meant to be'. Many Taureans have a strong connection with homes, and find great comfort in their surroundings. But perhaps it's more than that. I'm a believer in synchronicity. And it sounds as if she heard the cosmos's message!

Tuesday October 11

The Bigger Picture

More Sally Fisher Art here.

Mercury conjuncts Jupiter today. Although this isn't a particularly rare event, (it happens at least once a year), the fall of Mercury's retrograde pattern means that it's the third time it has occurred since August. Also, this is the first time it has fallen in Libra since 2005 (its previous hits this year occured when Jupiter was in Virgo). What does this suggest? It's time to look at the bigger picture and expand your horizons. Plus, something that has been occupying your thoughts since August can now reach a positive resolution.

Wednesday October 12

Your Inner Shelf

More Sally Fisher Art here.

The old story of 'the 13th sign' has cropped up again recently. It's based on the 'news' that the zodiac isn't in the same place in the sky as it was when the rules of astrology were written. Some people say that there's now a 13th sign named 'Ophiuchus'. This is a fire that my uncle tried to extinguish several times. It seems, though, that there's no shortage of matches! You can read an explanation here, but, in short, stick with your Sun sign. If you change your wallpaper, your shelves don't stop working!

Thursday October 13

Fair and Square

More Sally Fisher Art here.

Earlier this week, when Mercury became conjunct with Jupiter, we entered a period encouraging us to free our minds of constraint. To explore ideas and be uninhibited in our views of what's possible. Now, as Mercury squares Mars, life is asking us to put these ideas into action. It's all very well having innovative thoughts and exciting plans. But, as any defeated politician will tell you, they don't count for much if they're never implemented. Today could be the day you start to make a difference.

Friday October 14

Surprise Surprise

More Sally Fisher Art here.

This weekend, the Sun moves into opposition with Uranus, just as we receive the gift of a Full Moon. The Moon, at its fullest, usually heralds a time of completion... the moment when we can achieve the results that our most recent plans have set into motion. Yet, in combination with Uranus, there's a trick up its sleeve, a rabbit in the hat, a surprise waiting to be unfurled. It may not, though, be particularly surprising to you. But then surprises rarely surprise the person who's instigating the surprise!

Saturday October 15

Your Week Ahead

More Sally Fisher Art here.

This week brings the Hunter's Moon. This full moon was so called, by the ancients, because it arrives after the harvest, bringing light for the last hunts before winter. And, with its conjunction to Uranus, an exciting tension abounds. It's also a Super Moon! The week ahead sees Venus moving signs, Mercury squaring Pluto then opposing Uranus. Mars also conjoins with Pluto then the Sun moves to Scorpio. All this movement suggests a time when strong wills come to the fore and bring a chance to move on.

Sunday October 16

Your Week Ahead - Love Focus

More Sally Fisher Art here.

Remember, your Love Forecast today does not just cover romance. A love forecast may also have something to say about your family life, your closest friendships and even some of your most important working relationships.

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Oscar and Cainer's Daily Zodiac Forecasts